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How is our Fire District funded?

We are funded primarily through property taxes.

FIRE: We receive a maximum of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed value.

EMS (Ambulance): We receive a maximum of $0.50 per $1,000 of assessed value,

Fire Districts in Washington State are primarily funded through property taxes. These taxes are based on the assessed valuation of each property within the fire district’s boundaries. A Fire District can levy up to a maximum of $1.50 per $1,000 of assessed valuation. See RCW 52 for more information about Fire Protection Districts. 

WAC 458-19-090 Fire protection district formation—Cities and towns—Highest lawful levy. 

Local governments in Washington State may, with voter approval, impose a property tax of up to $0.50 per $1,000 assessed value for emergency medical services (EMS) under RCW 84.52.069. The revenues may be used only for the provision of emergency medical care or emergency medical services, including related personnel costs, training for such personnel, and related equipment, supplies, vehicles and structures needed for the provision of emergency medical care or emergency medical services (see RCW 84.52.069(5)).

The levy may last for 6 consecutive years, 10 consecutive years, or permanently. There are different requirements depending on which option is selected.

We are not allowed to collect more than the amount shown above, per State Law, ensuring you will not see an added increase. This is the current tax structure we have had for 20+ years. 

*Senior Citizens or fixed income citizens, please check with the County Auditor as you may be qualified for tax exemption. 


Estimated Annual Tax Calculator 

2024 tax year Levy amount are:
Fire Levy is $1.47 per $1,000 of Assessed Home Value.
EMS Levy is $0.49 per $1,000 of Assesse Home Value.

 Current Levy Information

Current Fire Levy 

The Board of Benton County Fire Protection District #2 adopted Resolution 2024-02 concerning a proposition to maintain and adequately fund District operations.

Voters approved this levy to renew and replace an existing levy; authorize the District to maintain its regular property tax levy not exceeding $1.50 per $1,000.00 assessed valuation for 2025 collection; and authorize setting a limit factor of 8% shall be used to determine the actual levy rate starting in 2025 and continuing through 2029 for collection in 2026 - 2030.  The amount levied in 2029 for collection in 2030 shall serve as the District’s tax levy base for purposes of applying the limit factor established by RCW 84.55.

Current EMS levy 

On May 9, 2022 the Board of Commissioners of Benton County Fire Protection District #2 adopted Resolution 2022-02, placing on the primary election ballot a proposition authorizing a renewal of the current EMS Levy not to exceed $0.50 per $1,000 dollars of assessed property value.

Voters approved this levy to renew its regular property tax EMS levy of $0.50 per $1,000.00 assessed valuation for a period of 6 years, beginning with 2022 assessments for collection in 2023, and continuing through the 2031 assessments for 2032 collections.  It would also authorize setting a limit factor for annual increases of 1% above the prior year for assessments in 2022 for collection in 2023, and continuing at that rate for five succeeding years through 2027 assessments for 2028 collection, with statutory increases thereafter (but not to exceed the $0.50 rate).  The 2027 maximum allowable levy collected in 2028 shall serve as the base for subsequent levy limitations as provided in RCW 84.55

This levy would provide funding to ambulance service to the citizens of our Fire District. It is used to provide staffing, supplies, and other associated costs with providing this service. 

What is the Levy for and why do we need it? 

When State Initiative 695 and 747 passed, it caused our fire district to only be eligible for a 1% increase above the last year’s budget, plus new construction, unless voted upon for an increase. Prior to these initiatives, we were able to take up to a 8% increase above the previous year’s levy to help maintain our levy rates. When calculated out, this 8% did not put excess money in our pocket, but it did allow us to maintain service levels, while providing for our firefighters’ safety and meeting state and federal laws.

Without the continuation of the LID, we will be held to a 1% annual increase. This will cause a reduction of our budget every year, compounding the decrease in operating funds. Although the reduction seems small at first, over several years it will become a serious shortfall. After exhausting all other means possible, we will be forced to go back to the public, and ask you to help support us so we can continue to provide you with the same level of service. We do not ask for a new tax increase, but to CONTINUE our funding to where it currently is. The issue is that everything we are required to purchase, to continue servicing you, has increased way above the 1%. For example: one set of firefighter turnouts, and related equipment for one volunteer firefighter, costs over $3,500, compared to five years ago, at a cost of $1,600. Our 911 dispatch costs have risen to more than 23%, ambulances and fire trucks have increased over 20%, and we know what fuel costs have done. These are some of the small examples of our cost increases. Future purchases are expected to continue to increase.

What have we been doing to serve you? 

Fifteen years ago we responded to only 600 calls to our nearly 10,000 residents. We now respond to 1,300 calls annually, all the while providing a better-equipped and trained fire department. This is primarily due to grant awards and personal dedication of our volunteers. Our volunteers are required to put in basically one year of training before they are even qualified to respond to your emergency.

Our training requirements are no different than any other combination, both volunteer and career full-time, district. This costs us thousands of dollars per person, and the dedication our community volunteers provide us is not only remarkable, but also dangerous. We are only 3 of 6 volunteer departments, in our area, that provide ambulance services to our community. The other is Patterson and West Richland. 

What services do we provide to our customers? 

AMBULANCE TRANSPORT - Advanced, Intermediate, and Basic Life Support. We have a 12-lead ECG Heart Program in our EMS protocols. Our agency piloted this program for the Tri-Cities area. This system has detected heart attacks in the field,  and transferred that information to the hospital,  where cardiologists are awaiting patient arrivals  to the hospitals teamed up with Kadlec Medical Centers Heart Program. This service, provided by our EMT’s, saves lives annually. Our ambulances are equipped the same as Richland, Kennewick, and Pasco Ambulances proving effectiveness and seamless operations in mutual aid situations.

FIREFIGHTING - We fight any and all types of fires including vehicle, structural, and wildland fires.

RESCUE - We provide vehicle, low angle, building, and swift water & rescue boat services.

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS RESPONSE - We are a member of the Tri-County Hazardous Material Response Team.

INCIDENT MANAGEMENT TEAMS - We provide members to teams, which manages large or complex incidents in our region and throughout the State.

PUBLIC EDUCATION - We host community CPR Classes. Deliver Fire Safety Education to schools and participate in other community events throughout the year.


Benton County Fire District #2 (Benton City) has been proudly providing fire and emergency medical ambulance services to Benton City, and the greater area around Benton City, for over 75 years. The Fire District responds to over 1,300 emergency calls every year in our community, all the while providing a better-equipped and trained fire department. This is accomplished by smart management of our budget, grant awards and the hard work and dedication of our volunteers and career staff. See more about what we do for our community and  how to volunteer here or.

Do not forget to check out our current fire ratings. One of the benefits we have been able to give back to our community is keeping our fire ratings one the lowest in the State of Washington. This information is used to reduce your homeowner’s insurance rates. Grab that information here...

You can also stop by the station to chat with us!