Public Education Program
As a community-focused organization, we welcome opportunities to interact with the students and schools we serve. Your Fire District provides:
- Classroom visits
- Station tours/field trips
- Fire Prevention Week (October) programs
- Programs on other safety topics as requested
Dedicated to reducing fire and life safety risks at schools, preschools, daycares and in the community. Our Public Education Program activities serve students by:
- engaging and educating preschool and school-aged children about fire prevention, fire and life safety and the role of firefighters in helping keep them safe.
- providing integrated, quality teaching resources and opportunities to stay safe.
- providing specific age-appropriate messages and skills, including meeting Washington State K-12 Health and Physical Education Learning Standards.
School Visits
Preschool/Elementary Schools
Children are especially vulnerable to fire and burn injuries. In addition, children under the age of five are at serious risk of being killed in a fire.
Request fire and life safety programs for your preschool or daycare to address the safety needs of your children. Program materials are directed towards children ages three to five years to teach four important lessons:
- Firefighters are our friends
- Stop! Drop! And Roll!
- Crawl low under smoke
- Keep away from matches and lighters
We supply fire prevention information like coloring books, activity sheets, fire hats and badges, plus LOADS of fun!
Career Days or Middle School/Junior High/High Schools
Contact our PIO's if you would like us to attend your school events such as Career Day or Job Fair, etc. We love to engage and talk about what we do to inspire more youth that choose to become a part of one of the best jobs in the universe.

E.D.I.T.H. House
EDITH House is an annual program brought to Kiona-Benton schools during Fire Prevention Week in October aimed at young children as an orientation to escaping the home in case of emergency. (EDITH is an acronym that stands for Exit Drills In The Home.) Operation EDITH, which stands for Exit Drill in The Home, is a fire-safety program brought to our local elementary school each year during fire safety week in October. Our firefighters carry this important message to schools in their communities.
We also bring the E.D.I.T.H. House to community events for all ages to practice this fun and exciting drill.
We don’t want them to simply know how to escape, we want them to be able to call 911 and give their address and phone number. We have all heard the stories of small children that had to call for help. Will the children in your life know who to call, and what address and phone number to give? With just a little practice, they can!

Fire Prevention Week
Since 1922, the NFPA has sponsored the public observance of Fire Prevention Week. In 1925, President Calvin Coolidge proclaimed Fire Prevention Week a national observance, making it the longest-running public health observance in our country. During Fire Prevention Week, children, adults, and teachers learn how to stay safe in case of a fire. Firefighters provide lifesaving public education in an effort to drastically decrease casualties caused by fires. Fire Prevention Week is observed each year during the week of Oct. 9 in commemoration of the Great Chicago Fire, which began on Oct. 8, 1871.
For more information you can emial us at