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Reserve Meeting Room

It is the policy of Benton County Fire Protection District #2 (BCFPD#2) to make its meeting room available for community organizations and/or associations (hereafter, known as groups) to hold meetings.  

All groups requesting use of the facility will be approved/denied by BCFPD#2 administration.  No controversial groups will be allowed to use this public building for holding sensitive subjects or forums of highly controversial matters or representation unless approved by the Fire Chief. 

It is the intent of BCFPD#2 to provide meeting space for the convenience of these groups on an occasional basis and not for routine use, unless approved otherwise by the Fire Administration.

Max Occupancy: 36

  • 36 chairs
  • 15 tables
  • ADA Accessible
  • AED
  • On-Site Parking
  • Restrooms
  • Water
  • Whiteboard


How to Reserve a meeting room?

Step 1: Complete the Request for Meeting Room form below. We will check availability and get back to you as soon as possible. Or you may contact us at 509-588-3212 during office hours to check availability.

Step2: Once date is approved a representative of the group must complete the Meeting Room Policy and Guidelines Waiver/Agreement. Please note proof of insurance may be requested.


Meeting Room Policy and Guidelines
These groups will be required to adhere to all guidelines listed below:

  1. Access for emergency vehicles and personnel must be allowed at all times, as to not interfere with the fire district requirements for quick access and response.  
  2.  BCFPD#2 is not responsible for any injury, illness, accident or hazards that are a result of the groups or an individual’s negligence or misuse of the facilities, equipment or activities.  
  3. The group must designate a leader who will be in charge of the facility, meeting, and activities at all times, and will be responsible for any failure to perform these duties or which results in a negative or sensitive act.
  4. All meetings will be on a first come, first serve basis, and cannot conflict with any BCFPD#2 activities.
  5. BCFPD#2 has the right to cancel any meeting or event, at any time, without penalty or default for any reason.
  6. Scheduling of the facility will be done with the District Secretary or designee.  Meetings will be scheduled no more than three months in advance.
  7. A BCFPD#2 person/employee will be available to open the facility for scheduled meetings to allow the responsible party access.
  8. No one will be allowed to smoke, chew, or use tobacco products except in designated areas.  No one will be allowed to consume or possess alcohol or illegal substances on these premises.
  9. All vehicles will be required to park in the back far west parking row or gravel parking lot, with the exception of handicap parking in the front of the building.  The remaining parking will be left open to Fire Department Personnel to utilize for emergency or routine use.  No parking will prohibit the access/egress of any fire department apparatus.
  10. All groups will appoint a responsible party that will be in attendance at all scheduled meetings.
  11. The responsible party will be required to be at the fire station early to ensure the facility is prepared for the meeting and stay after the meeting is over to ensure that the facility has been restored to its original condition.
  12. The responsible party will sign this waiver/agreement for any damages done to the facility or its equipment, and will replace, at the individuals or groups expense, all BCFPD#2 property that was damaged by the responsible groups or attendees at the meeting.
  13. No one will be allowed to remove, damage, or deface any BCFPD#2 posters, pictures, hangings, or equipment.
  14. The responsible party will assure that all members and attendees will adhere to all applicable guidelines.
  15. The responsible party will contact the facility scheduler to confirm the date and time within five (5) working days prior to the date of the scheduled event or meeting.
  16. The group’s members or visitors will NOT be allowed in the apparatus bay and will confine their meeting to the meeting room and kitchen area.
  17. All necessary items for the meeting will be supplied by the groups/attendees with the exception of tables, chairs and dry erase boards.
  18. Total capacity of the facility will be limited to thirty-six (36) people.


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     You can also email to request use of our Meeting Room.